Online English MOOC platform that promotes scientific education of Albanians in conjunction with information technology leader Microsoft reward developers of applications in the operating system Windows Phone
This contest aroused great interest among extremely passionate about technology in both Albania and Kosovo, the sheer number of participants 1000+ shows how increased competitive spirit among Albanians to such international competitions but also proves how Albanians are prone after programming in general. It was precisely for this reason that Windows App Studio signed agreements with ALMOOC platform to promote technology Albanian talents to build applications for smart devices (intelligent) that contain the operating system Windows Phone and stimulate young Albanians.
The jury led by director of Microsoft Windows App Studio Mr. Bryan Tomlinson, selected in the first stage over 200 applications which were filtered then strictly limited and published a list of 20 applications that during the final ceremony was presented to a wide audience . Sharing the awards for best realized through a ceremony somewhat rare (e-ceremony) powered by the information technology in which all Albanians had the opportunity t'a follow appreciation for their projects in real time.
Jury headquartered in the state of Washington directed the awards ceremony and facilitation in real time by centers in Pristina and Tirana.At the ceremony, awards were divided into three different categories.
Sponsors of this event, Windows App Studio in coordination with Microsoft Albania for the first category donated four tablet devices, three of which were won by competitors from Pristina and Tirana, while in the second category were divided four Nokia Lumia smartphone. In the third category were divided certificate of appreciation for four third prize winners. Steven Yee member jury was impressed and offered rewards claimed that almost symbolic of the quality, creativity and functionality of the products offered in this race Albanians extremely interesting. Moreover, this race proved a high professional level of competitors which shows that Albanians are highly skilled in the field of ICT.
Finally, organizers vowed that the activity in question is only the beginning of collaborations with Microsoft, and such projects will have and consistently thanks to a partnership that aims to have ALMOOC platforms with Microsoft in the near future.